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  • Explained for beginners: Market Sentiment


    Market sentiment refers to the overall attitude or feeling of investors towards a particular financial market or asset. It is a measure of the general tendency or bias of investors towards buying or selling an asset or market.

  • Understanding the role of Central Bank


    Central banks are central to the financial system of a country, and their role is crucial in ensuring the stability of the economy. They are responsible for implementing and enforcing monetary policies that can affect the supply of money, the level of interest rates, and other economic indicators such as inflation and employment. These policies can have a significant impact on the overall performance of the economy, as well as on the value of the country's currency.

  • Advanced Explained: Derivatives and their types


    Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from an underlying asset. They are used to speculate on the future price movements of the underlying asset or to hedge against potential price fluctuations.

  • Explained for Beginners: Spreads in Forex


    In the foreign exchange (forex) market, the term "spread" refers to the difference between the bid and ask prices of a currency pair. The bid price is the price at which a trader can sell a currency, while the ask price is the price at which a trader can buy a currency. The spread, therefore, is the difference between these two prices.

  • Understanding the Volatility in Forex Market


    In the context of foreign exchange (forex) trading, "volatility" refers to the amount of fluctuation in the price of a currency pair over a given period of time.
    The factors that can contribute to volatility in forex market

  • 9 Essential Tips for Forex Trading Success as a Beginner


    As a beginner in the forex market, it is important to take the time to educate yourself about the market and the various currency pairs that are traded.
    Here are some tips for beginner forex traders:

  • Explained for Beginners: Margin, Margin call and Leverage


    Margin in trading refers to the amount of money that a trader must have in their account to open a trade. It is a type of collateral that is required by the broker in order to cover any potential losses that may occur during the trade.

  • Explained: Medium-term forex trading strategies


    Medium-term forex trading strategies refer to investment approaches that involve holding positions for a period of several weeks to a few months. These strategies can be a good fit for traders who want to take a more passive approach to the market, as they do not require the constant monitoring and rapid decision-making that short-term strategies often demand.

  • Explained for Beginners: Direct and Indirect quotes in Forex


    In the forex market, direct and indirect quotes are used to express the price of one currency in terms of another. This is important for traders, as it allows them to easily compare the value of different currencies and make informed trading decisions. A direct quote is a quote in which the price of a foreign currency is expressed in terms of the domestic currency, while an indirect quote is a quote in which the price of the domestic currency is expressed in terms of the foreign currency.

  • Explained: Forex swing trading


    Forex swing trading involves holding trades for a period that can range from one day to several days or weeks. It is different from day trading, which involves quickly entering and exiting the market within a single day, and from long-term trading, which involves holding positions for weeks, months, or even years. Forex swing trading provides a balance between the speed of day trading and the longer-term focus of long-term trading. It allows traders to limit their risk over the weekend and avoid the need to constantly monitor the market like day traders must. Popular strategies for Forex swing traders include following trends or taking advantage of failing trends.

  • Why use demo account in forex trading?


    A demo forex trading account is a simulated account that allows traders to practice their trading strategies and techniques in a simulated environment without risking any real money. Demo accounts are typically offered by forex brokers to give traders the opportunity to test out their platforms and try out different strategies without committing any capital.

  • Explained for Beginners: Position sizing in Forex


    Position sizing refers to the size of a position in a trading or investment portfolio, as well as the amount of money that a trader or investor is willing to trade with. It helps traders identify the number of units of securities they can buy, allowing them to manage the risk of their trades and increase their chances of making a profit. Proper position sizing is essential for traders who want to be consistent and successful, as it enables them to control the level of risk they take on in each trade. To correctly size their positions, traders can follow a step-by-step guide and test their strategies on a risk-free demo account.

  • Understanding of the Liquidity in Forex Trading


    Liquidity is a crucial factor for traders to consider when trading in the forex market. It refers to the ease with which a currency can be bought or sold without significantly affecting the price. The more liquidity a currency has, the more easily it can be traded, and the smaller the spread (the difference between the bid and ask price) will be. This is because there are more buyers and sellers willing to trade at any given time, so there is less needed to adjust the price in order to facilitate a trade.

  • Understanding Forex trading calendar


    A Forex trading calendar is a tool that helps traders track economic events and releases that can have an impact on the currency market. It is a schedule of these events and releases, typically organized by date and time, and can include important economic indicators, central bank meetings, and other market-moving events.

  • Explained: Moving Average Crossover Strategy


    The moving average crossover strategy is a method used in capital markets to identify trends in the market. It involves using two different moving averages to determine whether the price of an asset is likely to move up or down in a specific time frame. By analyzing the direction of these moving averages, traders can make informed decisions about whether to buy or sell an asset. This strategy can be especially helpful for beginners, as it allows them to spot trends and ride them with confidence, rather than trying to trade in sideways or steady markets. Overall, the goal of the moving average crossover strategy is to help traders maximize their profits by identifying and acting on trends in the market.


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