Does Axi offer Swap Free accounts?
Yes, Axi offers Swap Free accounts. We are pleased to offer a trading account tailored to Islamic traders. Featuring no swap fees or interest payments, this account is the ideal solution for those who are unable to earn or pay the interest due to religious beliefs.
The Swap Free account can be selected during the normal account application process.
Yes, Axi offers Swap Free accounts. We are pleased to offer a trading account tailored to Islamic traders. Featuring no swap fees or interest payments, this account is the ideal solution for those who are unable to earn or pay the interest due to religious beliefs.
The Swap Free account can be selected during the normal account application process.
Please note: Axi reserves the right to revoke the Swap Free status of any live account considered to be misused, trading in a suspicious manner, or operating outside the realms of good faith.