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  • What does decreasing the exchange spread mean to the forex readers?


    When it comes to trading, the exchange spread is a key factor that can have a significant impact on a trader's profits. Put simply, the spread is the difference between the price at which you can buy an asset and the price at which you can sell it. This spread is how exchanges make money and can vary widely depending on the exchange and the asset being traded. In recent years, there has been a trend towards decreasing exchange spreads, but what does this mean for traders?

  • What the forex traders could do on the weekend?


    Monetary policy is the process by which a country's central bank manages the money supply and interest rates to achieve specific macroeconomic objectives, such as controlling inflation, promoting economic growth, and maintaining financial stability. Central banks use a variety of tools to implement monetary policy, including open market operations, reserve requirements, the discount rate, interest rates on reserves, and forward guidance.

  • Monetary Policy: Implementation Tools and Their Effects


    Monetary policy is the process by which a country's central bank manages the money supply and interest rates to achieve specific macroeconomic objectives, such as controlling inflation, promoting economic growth, and maintaining financial stability. Central banks use a variety of tools to implement monetary policy, including open market operations, reserve requirements, the discount rate, interest rates on reserves, and forward guidance.

  • Forex Trading: Gender and Age Does Not Determine Success


    Forex trading has become an increasingly popular way for individuals to invest their money and potentially generate profits. However, there are many misconceptions surrounding forex trading, particularly around whether gender or age play a role in determining success. In this article, we will explore the factors that actually contribute to success in forex trading, and why gender and age are not significant factors.

  • Understanding the advantages and risks of CFD (Contracts for Difference) trading


    Online CFD (Contracts for Difference) trading has become a popular method of trading various financial instruments such as stocks, commodities, and currencies. CFD trading allows traders to speculate on the price movements of these assets without actually owning them. While there are many advantages to online CFD trading, there are also some risks that traders need to be aware of. In this article, we will explore the advantages and risks of online CFD trading.

  • The 5 concepts of forex you should know before start trading


    Forex market: The forex market is the largest financial market in the world, with an average daily trading volume of over $5 trillion. It is a decentralized market where currencies are traded 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, across different time zones.

  • Understanding the pips in forex trading


    In forex trading, a pip (short for "percentage in point" or "price interest point") is the smallest unit of measurement used to indicate changes in the exchange rate of a currency pair. It is usually the fourth decimal place in a currency pair, except for pairs that include the Japanese yen, where the pip is the second decimal place. About it, the forex traders should understand the following things:

  • Advanced Explained: the relationship between inflation and the forex market


    History has shown that there is a strong relationship between inflation and the forex market. Here are some key examples:

  • Understanding the difference between stock and forex trading


    Forex and stocks are two different types of financial instruments that investors can trade. Forex stands for foreign exchange and involves trading currencies of different countries, while stocks involve buying and selling shares of ownership in a company.

  • When & why did forex trading became popular?


    Forex trading can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome, where coins and other forms of currency were exchanged. However, it wasn't until the 20th century that forex trading became popular as a financial market. The establishment of the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944, which created a fixed exchange rate system between major currencies, paved the way for the modern forex market. This agreement made the US dollar the reserve currency, with other currencies pegged to it.

  • Understanding the role of central banks


    Central banks are institutions that are responsible for managing a country's monetary policy and regulating its financial system. They are also known as reserve banks or national banks. The primary function of central banks is to control the money supply, stabilize prices, and promote economic growth.

  • Explained: Methods of taking profits in forex trading


    In forex trading, taking profits is an essential aspect of managing your trades effectively. There are several methods that traders use to take profits, depending on their trading style, risk tolerance, and market conditions.

  • Advanced explained: Free Floating Exchange Rate


    A free floating exchange rate, also known as a flexible exchange rate, is a type of exchange rate regime in which the value of a currency is determined by the forces of supply and demand in the foreign exchange market, without any intervention by the government or central bank. Under a free floating exchange rate system, the exchange rate is allowed to fluctuate freely in response to market conditions, such as changes in economic indicators, international trade, and capital flows. This means that the exchange rate can appreciate or depreciate in value depending on the market's perception of the currency's worth.

  • Understanding the seasonal tendencies in forex


    Seasonal tendencies in forex refer to the phenomenon where certain currency pairs exhibit a predictable pattern of behavior that occurs during a specific time of the year. These patterns can be related to economic, social, or geopolitical events that occur annually, affecting the supply and demand of a currency pair. These seasonal tendencies can be helpful for traders to understand the potential movements of these currency pairs during certain times of the year. However, as with all trading strategies, it is essential to incorporate other factors, such as technical and fundamental analysis, to make informed trading decisions.

  • Understanding the HKMA and Dollar pegging


    HKMA stands for Hong Kong Monetary Authority. It is the central bank of Hong Kong, responsible for maintaining the stability and integrity of the Hong Kong monetary system. The HKMA was established in 1993 and is responsible for a range of functions including issuing banknotes, regulating and supervising banks, promoting monetary stability, managing the exchange rate, and maintaining the stability and integrity of the financial system.


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