THINKMARKETS: What is ThinkMarkets server time?
The markets open on Sundays at 05:00 pm, New York time. Our server time is GMT+3 (or GMT+2 during Daylight Savings Time). This means trading begins at 00:01 server time, with the daily rollover occurring at the same time each day. This time cannot be changed on the platform. This is to avoid what is known as a ‘weekend candle,’ which would appear on a Sunday on a daily chart with GMT-based platforms.
The markets open on Sundays at 05:00 pm, New York time. Our server time is GMT+3 (or GMT+2 during Daylight Savings Time). This means trading begins at 00:01 server time, with the daily rollover occurring at the same time each day. This time cannot be changed on the platform. This is to avoid what is known as a ‘weekend candle,’ which would appear on a Sunday on a daily chart with GMT-based platforms.